The southern sun has a serious bite, causing one of the highest skin cancer rates in the world. We want to do something about it, but creating shade is only half the battle. To keep Australians healthy and safe we support charities like Melanoma Institute Australia who help soften the sun’s harsh rays in other ways. At Greenline we think we’re pretty lucky – our loyal clients have helped us build a business providing shade solutions for two generations. That’s why it’s our duty to make sure future generations can enjoy the great Aussie sun, without the bite.
Greenline recognises the importance of sun protection and have always promoted a sun safe, active, outdoor lifestyle. We are the first to admit – we weren’t aware of how big the problem is! Apart from providing shade we wanted to do something about melanoma and have decided to become a sapphire partner of Melanoma Institute Australia.
With melanoma being referred to as ‘Australia’s national cancer’ where almost 14,000 Australians are expected to be diagnosed in 2017 and 1800 Australians expected to die from Melanoma in 2017: that is five people each day – we need to create change! Many of these people are in the 15-39 age bracket. We know we can make a real difference through education and increasing our impact.
Is your school, workplace or community sun safe?
Let’s share MIA’s message in every conversation we have to create action. Have you had a skin check?
Greenline is delivering opportunities to talk about melanoma and spread the message: with more skin checks and earlier diagnosis there will be more survivors. Greenline through our support for MIA will be funding amazing research projects!
Over the past five years, the use of surgery plus additional treatments have significantly extended life expectancy in people with advanced disease (where the melanoma has spread to other organs). These treatments include targeted therapies (modifying the actions of specific genes) and immunotherapies (modifying the actions of the immune system). In a recent MIA-led trial, researchers have made a major breakthrough by tripling the life expectancy for some advanced melanoma patients. However many others are not responding to new treatments and further research is vital.
Check out MIA’s webpage and have a look at some of the great work they are doing. Get in touch if you would like someone to come to your school or workplace! and remember the ABCDs! (watch the video to see what we’re talking about!)