Grants for Schools & Building Infrastructure

For primary and secondary school communities, it can be a difficult task to find the funding for building and infrastructure upgrades.

Whether you’re looking for a new COLA or a smaller shade solution, programs for funding can have challenging eligibility requirements and application processes.

At Greenline, consultation is built into our process and involves helping you find the best funding available for your circumstances.

If you wish to upgrade or improve school infrastructure with a shade solution, our process will help you through the considerations, application process and approval of your grants program.

What can a school grant include? 

A grant for school infrastructure can include the improvement or change in many different areas of a school, including the building of:

  • New buildings for classrooms, administration spaces or assembly halls
  • Parking facilities
  • Playgrounds and outdoor education facilities such as a COLA
  • Sports courts and other sports facilities such as a gym or pool
  • Shade sails or structures
  • Walkway protection and roofing

At Greenline, we can design shade solutions that can cover a variety of this infrastructure, including a car park roof and walkway protection. 

However, we specialise in creating spaces for schools that provide optimal weather and sun protection such as:

  • COLA or Covered Outdoor Learning Areas
  • Sports court shade sails
  • Sports facility shade structures
  • Playground shade sails

Who provides playground grants for schools? 

Grants programs for school infrastructure are separated into different categories:

  • Australian government funding, 
  • State and territory governments funding
  • And non-government school authorities that can provide funding. 

Non government school facilities may not be applicable for government grant programs, however it is always best to consult specified eligibility.

All of these providers offer different amounts of money and have requirements for eligibility. 

Depending on the route you choose, a grant program can cover the full cost or some of the cost of a playground shade sail or structure.

If you’re a private school looking for grant opportunities, check out our grants guide for private schools here.

School building grants available

Australian government funding is usually established by state and territory governments, meaning that each state and territory will have different grant programs available for schools. Take a look at the grants that are available for school infrastructure below:


School Subsidy Scheme

The School Subsidy Scheme aims to “to assist schools with the cost of school managed facility projects that aim to enhance learning outcomes for students and the community”.

This ongoing grants program is available to any Queensland state school community. 

The application process involves a proposal from the school principal to their regional infrastructure advisor, followed by a formal application that outlines the project’s scope.

For more information, visit the School Subsidy Scheme information page.

New South Wales

Capital Grants Program

Capital grants programs are available across every state for independent schools around Australia. 

Within New South Wales, the Association of Independent Schools of NSW administers this grants program for capital works projects. For school communities that do not have enough capital resources to build the infrastructure themselves, this grants program is a great option. 

The objectives of Capital Grants Programs are to:

  • Provide and improve school infrastructure (especially for economically disadvantaged areas)
  • Ensure attention to refurbishment/upgrading of capital infrastructure for existing students while making provision for needs arising from new demographic and enrolment trends
  • Pursue the Australian Government’s other priorities and objectives for schooling as outlined in the latest version of the Capital Grants Programme (CGP) for Non-Government Schools

Applying for this grants program involves submitting an Expression of Interest to the AISNSW Grants Management Team and filling out an application once interest has been lodged.

Check out the Capital Funding page here for information on other states and the application process.


Building for Non-Government School Facilities

Victoria has set up two grant programs for non-government school authorities within the state- the Building for Non-Government Schools- Independent and the Building for Non-Government Schools- Catholic

This separated grants program aims to provide $450 million combined to “build and upgrade low-fee Catholic and independent schools across the state”.

To be eligible, an existing non-government school must be registered with the Victorian Registration Qualifications Authority (VRQA) as well as be a member, or prospective member, of the relevant Block Grant Authority.

The Greenline process

We’ve streamlined our process into three simple steps:


In the first phase, Greenline will meet with you and work through the elements of design and structure that are important to your project. 

This can include help working out whether there is funding or grants available for your situation.

In short, you tell us what you want, how you want it to look, when you need it, and what your budget is. 


Throughout the design phase, the Greenline team will design a structure that addresses your needs, requirements and concerns discussed during the consulting phase. 

In this case, the most important goal is to improve school infrastructure.

From planning permits to design solutions, we can look after everything, and you can be sure it will be done quickly and efficiently.


The construction phase is the culmination of our thorough investigation, creative ingenuity and strategic planning during Consult and Design. 

Greenline works closely with trusted construction partners to manage all the behind-the-scenes detail which ensures the success of your project.

When construction is complete, you will be able to enjoy the shade and protection provided by your new shade solution.
