















Grants are a great way to contribute to school and community fundraising. It’s important to know what to look for, where to look and be prepared!

Instead of trying to fit your project into a grants program, we want you to prepare your project for when the RIGHT grant comes up.

Greenline has put together resources for grant applications and will continue to add to these resources.

We’ve also put together grants resources for many different industries. Take a look at our other grants pages if they apply to you:

As always we are more than happy to answer any questions and help you put together your project portfolio.

PVC basketball shade canopy





NSW | Northern NSW Football Facilities Fund

Provides financial assistance to NNSWF member clubs to partner with local stakeholders to improve the quality, availability, accessibility and safety of their facilities.

NNSWF is committed to improving places to play and aims to increase the number and quality of sustainable and vibrant football facilities into the future.

Eligible to: Sporting clubs

Applications closes at 11:59, Monday 29 July 2024

AUS | Community Fund – Grants

Provides financial support to organisations and projects that contribute to the development and promotion of communities within a GrainCorp operational region.

There are two types of activities that are funded:
– Community-related programs & activities (Maximum funding limit: $5,000)
– Community infrastructure projects (Maximum funding limit: $20,000).

Eligible to: Government, education, sporting clubs

Round 4 Opens: 01 Jul 2024 – Closes: 31 Jul 2024

Geelong, VIC | Community Infrastructure Grants

These grants support the planning and delivery of community-led infrastructure projects that increase community access to places, spaces, services, and provide facilities that foster and facilitate positive health and wellbeing outcomes.

Who can apply?

  • Not-for-profit, incorporated bodies or registered under company law who operate on public land managed or owned by Council, or Crown land where the management of the facility is community based and there is access for the broader community (herein referred to as public)
  • Not-for-profit, incorporated bodies or registered under company law who operate in facilities not located on Council-owned or managed land; or managed or maintained by Council (herein referred to as private) which provide access for the broader community
  • Unincorporated bodies with an auspice
  • Schools and learning institutions – only for activities that are not curriculum based and the primary benefit is for the wider community

Applications closes at 11:59, Monday 19 August 2024

WA | Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund – Small Grants

Provides financial assistance to community groups and local governments to develop basic infrastructure for sport and recreation.

The program aims to increase participation in sport and recreation, with an emphasis on physical activity, through rational development of sustainable, good quality, well-designed and well-utilised facilities.

Eligible to: Government, non-government, community groups, sporting clubs

Round 3: Opens 01 Jul 2024 – Closes 30 Aug 2024

Round 4: Opens 03 Feb 2025 – Closes 31 Mar 2025

WA | Club Night Lights Program – Small Grants

Provides financial assistance to community groups and local governments to develop sports floodlighting infrastructure.

The program aims to maintain or increase participation in sport and recreation with an emphasis on physical activity, through rational development of good quality, well-designed and well-utilised facilities.

Eligible to: Government, non-government, community groups, sporting clubs

Applications closes at 11:59, Friday 30 August 2024

NSW | Tennis Facility Enhancement Fund (FEF)

Aims to stimulate investment in community tennis facilities with the aim to support the growth of the sport by making tennis venues more sustainable and accessible.

The FEF is for small to medium sized facility upgrades or enhancements typically between $10,000 and $250,000 in total value. The FEF may fund up to 25% of eligible total project value or between $2,500 to a maximum of $50,000.

Eligible to: Community groups, sporting clubs

Applications closes at 11:59, Monday 2 September 2024

VIC | Building Blocks Grants – Inclusion: Buildings and Playgrounds

Funds infrastructure upgrades to make kindergarten activities safer, more inclusive and accessible to children of all abilities.

Buildings and playgrounds grants are offered to improve early childhood buildings and facilities to provide safe and more inclusive environments for children of all abilities.

Eligible to: Government, non-government, education, community Groups

Applications closes at 11:59, Wednesday 4 September 2024

NSW | Local Community Fund – Central-West Orana REZ

Supports community organisations to provide programs, services or infrastructure that reflect local needs and deliver enduring benefits for communities within the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (REZ).

In accordance with the Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act (EII Act), eligible projects must deliver community benefits to the local community in the geographic area that forms the REZ to which the access scheme applies.

Eligible to: Government, non-government, community groups, sporting clubs, education, health

Applications closes at 11:59, Monday 23 September 2024

QLD | Queensland Remembers – Major Capital Works Grants Program

Supports the delivery of major capital works programs, such as internal building refurbishments or upgrades, improving access for people with a disability, or upgrading communal meeting areas, that improve facilities used by veterans or organisations that provide support to veterans.

The Queensland Government has committed $4 million over four years for the Queensland Remembers Grants Program.

Eligible to: Non-government, community groups, health

Applications closes at 11:59, Monday 23 September 2024

WA | Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund – Forward Planning Grants

Funds large scale sport and recreation infrastructure projects where the total project cost exceeds $500,000 and may require an implementation period of between one and three years.

The purpose of the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund is to provide financial assistance to community groups and local governments to develop basic infrastructure for sport and recreation.

Eligible to: Government, non-government, community groups, sporting clubs

Applications closes at 11:59, Monday 30 September 2024

WA | Club Night Lights Program – Forward Planning Grants

Provides financial assistance to community groups and local governments to develop sports floodlighting infrastructure.

The program aims to maintain or increase participation in sport and recreation with an emphasis on physical activity, through rational development of good quality, well-designed and well-utilised facilities.

Eligible to: Government, non-government, community groups, sporting clubs

Applications closes at 11:59, Monday 30 September 2024

NSW | Clubgrants Category 3 Infrastructure Grants -Community Infrastructure

Provides funding to support community infrastructure such as a multipurpose community hub or a service for an eligible community group.

The objective of the Clubgrants Category 3 Infrastructure Grants program is to fund the costs of construction, alteration, renovation, completion and fit-out of buildings and community infrastructure to deliver outcomes for disadvantaged NSW communities including regional, remote and drought-affected areas, culturally and linguistically diverse, disability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and disaster-affected communities.

Eligible to: Sporting clubs, health, government, non-government, education, community groups, others

Round 3 Opens: 01 Jul 2024 – Closes: 22 Jul 2024

Round 4 Opens: 04 Nov 2024 – Closes: 25 Nov 2024

NSW | Clubgrants Category 3 Infrastructure Grants – Sport and Recreation

Provides funding to support sport and recreation infrastructure such as sports centres, playgrounds and swimming pools.

The objective of the Clubgrants Category 3 Infrastructure Grants program is to fund the costs of construction, alteration, renovation, completion and fit-out of buildings and community infrastructure to deliver outcomes for disadvantaged NSW communities including regional, remote and drought-affected areas, culturally and linguistically diverse, disability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and disaster-affected communities.

Eligible to: Sporting clubs, health, government, non-government, education, community groups, others

Round 3 Opens: 01 Jul 2024 – Closes: 22 Jul 2024

Round 4 Opens: 04 Nov 2024 – Closes: 25 Nov 2024

SA | Football Facilities Fund

Enhances the capacity of facilities and football infrastructure for all user groups, from state to local grassroots venues.

The creation of this Fund will enable SANFL, AFL and State Government to achieve the shared strategic vision of creating welcoming facilities, particularly through provision of all gender changerooms for players, officials and umpires, as well as maximising venue capacities by improving quality of ovals, lighting and supporting infrastructure.

Eligible to: Government, non-government, education, community groups, sporting clubs, other

Round 2 Opens: 01 Aug 2024 – Closes: 31 Dec 2024

Round 3 Opens: 01 Aug 2025 – Closes: 31 Dec 2025

QLD | Glencore Futures Fund

Funds large, locally based infrastructure projects, identified in consultation with community, stakeholders and government.

Glencore has two corporate social investment programs:
– Community Assistance Program (CAP): Community-based events and initiatives
– Futures Fund: Large, locally based infrastructure projects, identified in consultation with community, stakeholders and government (this listing).

Eligible to: Government, non-government, businesses, community groups, other

Round 4 Opens: 09 Aug 2024 – Closes: 20 Aug 2024

AUS | Regional Investment Activation Fund – Stream Two

Supports projects that are time-sensitive and strategically significant for a priority industry or location.

The $110 million Regional Investment Activation Fund (RIAF) will co-invest with eligible entities on catalytic projects that will deliver significant economic, social and/or environmental benefits for a priority industry or location.

Eligible to: Non-Government, businesses, other

Applications closes at 11:59, Tuesday 31 December 2024

AUS | Disaster Recovery and Emergency Grants

Supports community-based welfare projects.

Over the past years we have seen a significant increase in Disaster funding requests as our nation has been impacted in many ways through fire, flood, drought, cyclones etc. Impact has been seen by individuals through to whole communities and the Australian Lions Foundation has provided support funding to assist ways to match the needs.

Eligible to: Community groups, other

Applications close: Adhoc ongoing

WA | Community Place Based Grants

The Community Place Based Grants program provides funding for the development and delivery of co-designed, place based structured holiday and out-of-school activity programs in the Kimberley, Goldfields, Pilbara and Gascoyne regions.

The program includes a process to work with local government, Aboriginal leaders and service organisations, to embed sport and recreation in community-led activities and events that target vulnerable and at-risk youth and their families.

The aim is to fund programs for multiple years to ensure a consistent quality approach to programs to get traction, build capacity and have a collective impact.

Eligible to: Non-Government, government, community groups, sporting clubs

Applications close: Adhoc ongoing

VIC | Building Blocks Grants – Capacity Building Stream

Provides funding for projects that create additional infrastructure capacity for funded Three and Four-Year-Old Kindergarten programs by building new or expanding existing infrastructure.

The Building Blocks Grants Program has replaced the Children’s Facilities Capital Program and Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program as the Victorian Government’s investment vehicle through which funding support for existing and growing demand for Three and Four-Year-Old Kindergarten infrastructure is allocated. This will mean the sector can more easily navigate the options available when seeking state co-investment in their facilities.

Eligible to: Government, education

Applications close: Adhoc ongoing

AUS | Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund

This investment has been bolstered by the commitment of additional funding to the ACIF via the Grassroots Cricket Fund (GCF) of $1 million for 2023/24. The GCF is a partnership between the Australian Cricketers’ Association and Cricket Australia, with the funding being contributed by Australian cricketers to support cricket in local communities. 

The ACIF is open to all clubs, associations, schools, councils and cricket facility managers, acknowledging the important role that these partners play in providing facilities for community cricket across Australia. 

Eligible to: Non-Government, government, community groups, education, sporting clubs, other

Applications close: Each State and Territory Association varies

NSW | Community Investment and Partnership Programme

Supports local organisations, charities and projects that address areas of need in the Newcastle community.

The focus of the Programme is to:
– Deliver value back to the Newcastle community – particularly portside suburbs
– Address a specific need or opportunity within the community to contribute to the overall sustainability of the region
– Deliver benefit to many people (not just individuals)
– Build capacity, skills and/or knowledge within organisations or groups.

Eligible to: Non-Government, community groups, education, sporting clubs

Applications close: Adhoc

AUS | Bowls Disaster Relief Fund

Bowls Australia is committed to redirecting one-hundred per cent of all sums raised back to those clubs in need, who are able to access monies from the fund via an application process.

Applications for the Bowls Disaster Relief Fund are open for clubs who have been affected by recent natural disasters:

Eligible to: Bowling clubs

Applications close: Adhoc